Its crazy to think how far North I've traveled since my first day on the road. In fact its just crazy to think back how far I've traveled. My first day on the road back in Yorktown seems like forever ago though its only like 45ish days. My friend Reed put it best I think, "your confusing distance with time". I'm almost to the Northern most part of my trek; Eureka, Mt.
Montana continues to display amazing scenery and is surprisingly flat, but that is just due to the rout I'm taking. Traffic here is fucking INSANE! the speed limit on two lane shoulderless roads is 70MPH! It is by far the scariest riding I have done to date. Going into Seeley lake two day ago (just out of Missoula) day I had the worst harassment of the entire trip (even worse than Missouri where I had trash thrown at me); lots of logging folk who hate us bicycle riding librawls.
I visited the Adventure Cycling Association headquarters in Missoula, its is the central Nexus of the touring wold and full of friendly folk. While working on truing my wheels there I was treated with free ice cream...awesome. I also saw the best bike sticker of my life 'my other ride is your mom'. Note to self: must get this sticker. I was also granted with a new jersey I want to have made: 'my other water bottle is a GLOCK'. Yes, the traffic here is getting to me, it has definitely detracted from the beauty of this state.
I'm starting to get a bit ancy about getting home; that or the coffee is just getting stronger as I head West (which happens to be true). I'm now well ahead of any schedule I had thought I would be on, even just a week ago. The thought of not being always on the road sounds very nice. However, the only problems with this plan is what to do when I return... Though one of my goals for this trip was to try and figure this out, I haven't. While I have ruled out some ideas, others keep popping into my head... maybe I just need to go on another trip after this one when I get back!
Returning home after being on the road, experiencing what I have, seeing what I have, and getting used to always being on the road, feels like it will be both a blessing and a challenge.